The Floater Doctor
James H. Johnson, M.D.
Medical Director
email Dr. Johnson directly:
Located in Dallas - Ft. Worth area of Texas

Low Dose AtropSulfate for Myopic Children
Looking for a Source of Low Dose Dilating Eye Drops for your child?
Search engine advertising restrictions do not allow the use of the name of any prescription medication, so we are using substitute phrasing.
Low Dose Dilating Agents are sometimes prescribed for children if they are diagnosed early with myopia in an effort to slow the progression and reduce the amount of nearsightedness they may suffer as an adult. The mechanism of action is not well understood, but at the very low doses (0.01% to 0.05%, typically) it is very safe and should only very minimally increase the size of their pupil and should not affect their focusing ability as compared to the much stronger effects of the full strength 1% eye drops.
We have been providing low dose dilating agents for our younger adult patients that suffer eye floaters with great success and no complications. If your child has already been evaluated and prescribed low dose dilating agents by your optometrist or ophthalmologist, we can also provide it for you at a reduced price compared to most compounding pharmacies.
The low dose dilating agents is prepared by diluting commercially available 1% solution with sterile saline to the desired concentrations. Eye doctors will commonly prescribe 0.01% (a 100x dilution) or 0.05% (a 20X dilution) for their young myopic patients. We offer both as well as some intermediate strengths if needed.
Our practice is a medical practice, not a pharmacy and low dose dilating agents ,even at these very low doses, is still a prescription medication. For our eye floater patients, we require a paid Zoom Tele-Medicine Consultation to establish an official doctor-patient relationship. For children who have already had the exam and received a prescription, I will honor the prescribing doctor's evaluation and recommendation, but we will still require the completion of an online registration and consent form (below). We will waive the usual fees and requirement to schedule a tele-consultation with Dr. Johnson.
We will need you to also upload an image or PDF copy of either the prescription itself, or the doctors notes making the recommendation. Alternatively, you can request the doctor's office email a copy to: